About Us

Learn how our services can help you secure quick debt relief

At Debtor Hub, we understand how overwhelming it can feel when you’re facing unmanageable debt. That’s why our number-one goal is to help you reach a favorable settlement and avoid bankruptcy. We’ll aggressively fight on your behalf and immediately negotiate with creditors to settle for less than you owe.

Trusted Choice, Proven Strategies

Our proven strategies have helped hundreds of individuals and businesses save millions of dollars and avoid bankruptcy. We have been a trusted choice for debt negotiation for over 15 years. You can rely on us to resolve your commercial judgments, lawsuits, and other past-due accounts as quickly as possible.The sooner we negotiate for you, the more likely we can secure a favorable settlement.

The road to reuilding your credit starts here!

Contact us for a complimentary consultation today!

How It Works

Whether working with a debt settlement company or negotiating on your own, the goal of debt settlement is the same – to get creditors to mark a debt as paid in exchange for a partial payment. Most lenders would rather receive partial payment than no payment at all, and we can help you work toward that goal using proven strategies. Not only do we offer custom debt relief solutions, but you can also expect the highest level of customer service from our team.

We offer customized solutions to help you resolve debt as quickly as possible.

Credit Negotiation

Credit Negotiation

We immediately begin negotiations to lower the amount you owe – before attorneys get involved.

Financing Assistance

Financing Assistance

Our team of financing experts can help you acquire funding to pay off your negotiated settlement.

Quick Action

Quick Action

Our quick action helps us secure early settlements. This is important for preventing liens and seizures.

Preserve Your Credit

Preserve Your Credit

We help protect your credit score or business by avoiding the need to file for bankruptcy.

No Attorneys or Upfront Fees

No Attorneys or Upfront Fees

We move to negotiate quickly and effectively. And we don’t get paid unless you save!

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